Uptown Bound by Masayo Nishimura Feb 17 - Mar 2, 2025, Place M gallery, Tokyo
Uptown Bound by Masayo Nishimura
February 17 - March 2, 2025
Place M gallery
1-2-11 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
東京都新宿区新宿1-2-11 近代ビル3F, Phone:03-3341-6107
「Uptown Bound」シリーズは、地上からの光線に照らされる構内の様々な情景をス
Masayo Nishimura began studying photography in 1993 at Hunter College in
New York City. From the beginning, she was attracted to the lights and
shadows created by the subway stations, in which the roofs of cars and
tracks are bathed in sunlight from the street level, forming a unique shape of
shadows. She felt they looked serene and beautiful, often reminding her of
Medieval religious paintings. She always marveled at the effects produced by
this everyday environment. The Uptown Bound series of photographs were
initially shot in 1999 - 2000 at the stations on the Upper West Side. In this
work, she focused on capturing the utmost of these unique and fascinating
moments created in the subway architecture.